It has now been around two months since companies, associations, organisations or individuals were able to submit comments to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on the possible PFAS ban. Now it is the turn of the specialised committees to review the submissions. A final opinion is to be presented “as soon as possible”.
ECHA received more than 5,600 comments from over 4,400 organisations. Most of the submissions in the consultation process came from Sweden (1,369), followed by Germany (1,298) and Japan (938). At 58.7 percent, companies were the biggest contributors, with 27.3 percent coming from individuals. Organisations accounted for 9.8 percent of all comments.
ECHA will “submit the final opinions to the EU Commission as soon as possible” and at the same time “ensure appropriate scrutiny by the scientific committees”. As soon as the committees have adopted their opinions, they will be communicated to the public. The Commission will then decide on the restriction together with the EU Member States.
A decision by the EU Commission is expected in 2025. From 2026 at the earliest, the perpetual chemicals PFAS could then be history forever (at least in Europe). Meanwhile, the search for PFAS-free alternatives is in full swing at many companies. Some seal manufacturers in particular have already found the first substitutes to be used.