Essel Mining and Industries Limited (EMIL) has granted Primetals the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) for its round pelletizing plant. The space-saving plant is considered a cost-effective alternative to conventional pelletizing plants and is the first reference plant in India to produce at full capacity.
The CPT plant was the first of its kind to be commissioned in October 2020 and has been continuously ramping up production capacity ever since. With a design capacity of 1 million tons per year, the plant processes local iron ore to produce pellets for the export and domestic markets. According to the manufacturer, a CPT plant is characterized by the fact that the space required for the kiln is reduced by 50 percent compared to conventional pelleting plants. As a result, the weight of the plant and the building structure is significantly lower. The pelleting process requires less energy, as the CPT process is designed to optimize the thermal efficiency of the recovered hot process gas. This leads to lower operating costs (OPEX). Source: Primetals Technologies